Thursday 29 November 2012

LO2 Lighting

We do not have any lighting systems or lights available at school that we can use for our drama. This was a consideration when we scouted for our locations.

This was not a problem because we needed a natural lighting look. All our locations had good lighting and our exterior shots used natural day light. We wanted a high key lighting look to help create our drama's realism.

The lighting in the changing room scene was not very bright.

LO2 Storyboard (include clear directions for shot sizes and angles e.g. ES; low CU; canted MS; LS etc.)

(include clear directions for shot sizes and angles e.g. ES; low CU; canted MS; LS etc.)

MS - Anthony and Gift meet as they walk through the door onto the glass corridor

CU - Gift - you alright, Anthony? / Yeah, I'm good man. You heard about the trial?

CU - Anthony - I'm good, you? Yeah, I heard but we're gonna have to work extremely hard

EXT low LS/ ES - glass corridor - low angle looking up at Gift and Anthony walking in the corridor

MS - Gift and Antony as they walk into the building

Over the shoulder MSs - Gift and Anthony talk about the scout coming in.

LS - Gift and Anthony training - HAND HELD (realism) pan camera to emphasise movement and pace
MS - CU of Gift training
MS - CU of Anthony training
LS - Gift dribbling and shooting 
LS - Anthony dribbling and shooting
M/LS - Gift watches Anthony play
M/LS - Anthony watches Gift play 
MS - Gift laughs as Anthony misses goal
CU - Anthony gets frustrated
CU - Anthony's feet as he dribbles to regain honour
M/LS - Anthony dribbles
CU - Gift tackles Anthony
MS - two shot of Gift and Anthony as they square up to each other

MS - Scout enters changing room
CU - Scout There's only one place left and it's out of you two
MS - Anthony and Gift look at each other - No, no further questions

Scene 4:
LS/MS/CU - Gift and Anthony doing the drill
M/CU - Scout - Looking back at my analysis
MS - Gift celebrates, Anthony weeps - Shake hands