Monday 12 November 2012

LO2 Individual idea - Mind Map

Mind Map/ synopsis generating individual IDEA to pitch to group
(this must be your own original idea which you pitch to your group)

My drama idea is about two friends who like the same girl. 
At the start, they are the best of friends. 
Then a pretty new girl joins the school. 
Both boys fall for her but they admit it to each other. 
Each of the lads chat the girl up and make friends with her, without the other one knowing. 
She agrees to date them but does not tell them who else she is dating. 
She becomes pregnant and confesses that she does not know who the father is. 
This is the first time the friends find out that they have been dating the same girl. 
This causes the friendship to break and the lads fallout. 
The story is then centered on how the friends treat each other, the girl is ignored by both friends and is left to deal with the pregnancy on her own. It is a tragedy. 

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