Sunday, 11 November 2012

LO1 Task 5 Technical

Shot sizes: how to construct a sequence to create realism

A sequence which includes an establishing shot, two mid shots (over the shoulder), close ups and a cutaway (showing the glass on the table) - the next shot could be of one of the characters picking up the glass and drinking - this would be match on action.
Source: internet

Continuity editing - match on action - this is where the clips are edited together without the flow of action being interrupted.

Long shot/ Establishing shot - this shows where the scene is located and will show the feet and head of the characters. It is normally at the start of the scene.

Mid shot - this will show the upper body of the characters or a cropped view of the location

Closeup - this will show the head and shoulders of a character - the closer we get, the more intimate the audience become. This can be used to show the emotions of a character or draw the audience into the narrative

If we went closer it would be an extreme close up which would show just the eyes or the face

Low angle - shows dominance

High angle- looking down at the character - he looks small and vulnerable 

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