Thursday 29 November 2012

LO2 Storyboard (include clear directions for shot sizes and angles e.g. ES; low CU; canted MS; LS etc.)

(include clear directions for shot sizes and angles e.g. ES; low CU; canted MS; LS etc.)

MS - Anthony and Gift meet as they walk through the door onto the glass corridor

CU - Gift - you alright, Anthony? / Yeah, I'm good man. You heard about the trial?

CU - Anthony - I'm good, you? Yeah, I heard but we're gonna have to work extremely hard

EXT low LS/ ES - glass corridor - low angle looking up at Gift and Anthony walking in the corridor

MS - Gift and Antony as they walk into the building

Over the shoulder MSs - Gift and Anthony talk about the scout coming in.

LS - Gift and Anthony training - HAND HELD (realism) pan camera to emphasise movement and pace
MS - CU of Gift training
MS - CU of Anthony training
LS - Gift dribbling and shooting 
LS - Anthony dribbling and shooting
M/LS - Gift watches Anthony play
M/LS - Anthony watches Gift play 
MS - Gift laughs as Anthony misses goal
CU - Anthony gets frustrated
CU - Anthony's feet as he dribbles to regain honour
M/LS - Anthony dribbles
CU - Gift tackles Anthony
MS - two shot of Gift and Anthony as they square up to each other

MS - Scout enters changing room
CU - Scout There's only one place left and it's out of you two
MS - Anthony and Gift look at each other - No, no further questions

Scene 4:
LS/MS/CU - Gift and Anthony doing the drill
M/CU - Scout - Looking back at my analysis
MS - Gift celebrates, Anthony weeps - Shake hands


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